One of the barns at the Young Living Whispering Springs Farm in Mona, Utah.
Using essential oils is an amazing way to support your horse’s emotional well-being. I only use Young Living essential oils for the following reasons:
Young Living owns farms all around the world. You would be surprised at how many essential oil companies don’t even own their own farms! They simply resell oils they buy elsewhere.
You (yes you!) can visit the Young Living farms.
Young Living has the most sophisticated testing equipment of any essential oil company.
Gary D. Young, the founder of Young Living, pioneered many of the growing and distillation practices for essential oils. Even if you use oils from a different company (which I would NOT recommend), chances are those oils were created using practices created by Gary. He could have patented those processes, but chose not to.
The Young Living Whispering Springs Farm has horses! How many essential oils companies you know actually have a Percheron Show Barn, a Friesian Show Barn, and an outdoor arena for horse shows? I can only think of one: Young Living.
Young Living has a scientific advisory panel specifically for the use of essential oils on animals.
This is one of the handsome Percherons I met at the Young Living Whispering Springs Farm in Mona, Utah.